Insulated Piercing Connector for 0.6 -1 KV ABC powerline system
PCT ab(B) x/y
PC= piercing connector , T= tear head; B= bare; a=bolt No.; b= outlet number;
x=max of main conductor, y= min of tap conductor;
PCT13 120/10
PCT13 120/70
PCT13 150/150
PCT14 150/150
PCT13B 120/70
PCT13B 150/150
PCT13B 120/95
Piercing Connector is to connect main insulated or bare tap.together.
IPC are made of high UV anti themorplatic and fitted with copper tinned connecting teeth.
its easy to connecting two conductor together without strip the coating.
The range of CROP IPC products available includeThe range of CROP IPC products available include